Monday, 11 March 2013

PFW: Hermès Fall 2013

If Christophe Lemaire is anyone to go by, 'big' seems to be the new in-thing for this season. His fall 2013 collection for Hermès was by far one of my favourites of Paris Fashion Week, boasting over-sized trenches and swampy blouses, engulfing the bodies of the models and in doing so creating an inextricable sense of mystery. Despite the all-too-apparent expression of modesty there lies a hint of femininity through the black gartered espadrilles, cropped trousers and mid-calf hemlines, highlighting the graceful silhouette of the woman. The colour palette is wonderfully elegant, pairing the conventional black and white with the more earthy tones of tan and burgundy, misty blue and silver grey as are the textures of leather, silk and fur. Everything just seems so effortless, so 'last-minute choice' that it's impossible not to fall in love with it. Please take a look and feel free to comment.

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