Sunday, 19 May 2013

Inspire Me: The Asymmetrical Skirt

I've always been one for the classics - the essential items that we own that neither we nor our wardrobe could live without; that LBD, the crisp white shirt, that pair of faithful black trousers or the Parker jacket. You all know what I mean.

But as ever in the world of fashion, even our dear beloved essentials every now and again have to take a back seat, while their reworked eccentric counterparts find themselves the new darlings of the glossies. While fashionistas get snapped, posing in and adoring the latest craze, I usually find it difficult to show any affinity for these trends so openly, still unable to detach myself from the classic staples that haunt my wardrobe, the same "staples" that everyone else seems to have forgotten and discarded in the corner.

This all changed however when the asymmetrical (or hi/lo, as it is known) skirt hit the runway this spring and since then has become one of this year's hottest trends. Maxi or mini, multicolour or monochrome, the asymmetrical skirt is this season's creation where anything really does go. There's something refreshing in it's flamboyance and the way it throws convention and uniformity to the wind. And most importantly, it's fun!!...And isn't that what fashion is all about!?

Don't get me wrong. I haven't forgotten the classic pencil skirt - far from it. I just think it's time to give it a well-deserved least for the summer!


  1. I love all the skirts!!! thank you so much for your visit!
    I follow you with GFC and Bloglovin! and I added you by g+ too! I'm very happy if you do the same.
    Have a nice sunday! and my g+ for your post!!!:)))

    Besos, desde España, Marcela♥

  2. Love this trend !

    Check out my new outfit post :

  3. Hey there, I love the green skirt and that girls hair - it all looks so perfect together.
    I really love your blog and it’d be great if we could follow each other. Let me know on my blog? Thanks, Sarah x

  4. Nice inspiration pictures !

  5. Hello thanks for your comment on my post about Maxi Skirts. Now following you back on GFC and bloglovin' :)

  6. I love all these skirts and looks! These girls are amazing :-) Thanks for sharing you inspired me a lot :-P
    You have a great blog, I have a blog too! If you want to have a look at it, it would be great :D
    Piera Anastasia from My Style Recipe

  7. I need one of that! Love this post, so much inspiration!

  8. I am really big fan of asymmetric cuts! :)
    Maybe you might consider following each other on GFC and Bloglovin? I will wait for you on my blog!

  9. I've wanted to try the asymmetrical skirt for awhile now, particularly the type in the 3rd picture you posted.
